‘ACT helped me to look at my present life from my own personal perspective and not from my assumptions of other peoples perspectives’

I look at the coaching very positively, with much better understanding of myself, my mental pitfalls, and learnings on how I can stop listening continuously to my mind.
I think ACT is a very interesting form of coaching/therapy. I learned a lot about myself. I’m a big overthinker and tend to let my mind take over my life. ACT has helped me break away from this tendency, and has helped me to look at my present life from my own personal perspective and not from my assumptions of other people’s perspectives. I liked that I understood more about my pitfalls and how I can avoid doing these again through self-awareness, compassion and defusion, to continue living a life that I prefer to live through the values that I discovered to have. I liked everything about the program. There is nothing I did not like.

The homework was good and very enlightening. I really enjoyed learning how to be more self-aware, and different defusion exercises, as well as the mindful body scans. These are things that have helped me get out of my head and live my present life better without getting overwhelmed.

Iris is absolutely great. Sometimes it’s hard to explain what I think or feel, and she is able not only to pinpoint what it is that I’m trying to say, but also to create a comfortable environment for me to express myself, my dark and heavy pains and thoughts, openly. She has been encouraging and positive, and has sometimes also gone overtime to explain a few last things, and has not hesitated to stop me and redirect me as soon as I was falling back into my old mental habits. Iris has really accompanied me and guided me through this entire period, to ensure I’m on the right path.

Fredrik, 29 jaar, coachervaring Amsterdam